He's always by my side, not only when we travel and take pictures of us. He protects me and loves me with his red, big big heart, with his humor and smart words, always thinking, always thinking, because that's what he is, a thinker, a philosopher, someone wise who shares his thoughts and his time with me, who gives me a kind of love that just he and me know. And we live the secret pleasure of feeling sacred love together, every day and every night.
And today I open this little window to him, to you, Frej, to wish you a very happy birthday.
6 kommentarer:
What a nice dedication...
My dearest Frej, just a few words to wish you a very happy birthday. Enjoy the day with Carolina and the ones you love. See you soon!!
Big hug.
que guapos, per favor!!! :)
happy birthday, frej!
wow! how sweet!
Happy b'day Frej, molts petons Carol!
oooooooooooooh, no et queixaràs, eh, frej? vaia dedicatòria!!! ;)
happy (late) birthday!!! (hope you had a great day)
Oh, jo també arribo tard... 'late', vull dir!! :P
Happy Birthday, Frej!!!
(totalment d'acord amb la Polita: sou guapos, guapos, guapos de fer mal, eh?? :O )
Apa apa, que noque no, que som la mar de normals, ciutadà!!! Això deu ser perquè no ens ha vist en persona ;)
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